Wow, I seem to have a terrible track record of failing things this year. So far every writing challenge I've entered, I've also failed. Not good. But November should change that - I've yet to lose a single NaNoWriMo. I'm thinking if I get far enough into my editing and revising of Ascension, I may be able to pull off the sequel in a month, which would be crazy. It would mean I'd actually be making progress towards trying to get something published.
Anyways, before I get lost on that train of thought, I thought I might make a few remarks on these awesome books I've been reading lately. I just discovered C.C. Humphreys, and am now partway through his latest, The Fetch, which had me so spooked earlier today that I had to open more shades in the house, to convince myself that no creepy creatures were going to jump out from the shadows at me. If you haven't tried any of his, either this new 'Runestone saga', or his other historical fiction books, you really should. They're like reading action movie scripts, but with far more details. You can really tell he has a background in the theatre, because his dialogue is amazing, and he seems to have perfected what I still struggle with: how to put just enough description of small details, without overwhelming the reader too much. It was one of the big problems I noted in re-reading Ascension's draft at camp, and I hope that I can fix it during this run of revisions.
La-dee-da, I've gone off a-rambling again, but that doesn't really matter. School about a week and a half, and I still have one more summer reading book, as well as all the reading reports, to complete. Before I start complaining any more about all the things I have to do this week, I think I'll sign off, so I can actually go and do some of them. Like play piano!
Hope to post again soon,
-Seshat's Child