Sunday, December 31, 2006


Okay, so part of my signing up for NaNoWriYe '07, I decided to check out their new 'WriMos Club', where basically you do a whole bunch of WriMos over the course of the year. Since I was already planning on doing that I was able to look at their list and start figuring out which I am going to do. I decided to start the year off with a kick doing JanNoWriMo, and then take February and March off for more relaxed writing and probably some editing(since I really need to finish off my WriMo novel so I can start working on all the loose ends that I know need fixing). I'll probably then do April Fools, and take May and June off to focus on school stuff. And that's pretty much all I have figured out so far. Obviously I'll be doing NaNoWriMo in the fall, and possibly NaNoFiMo again, but between June and November I think I'll just have to see how things are going on my various projects.

So anyways, this post was supposed to be about JanNoWriMo. I had an idea in the shower the other day, but I haven't finished fleshing it out yet. I'm hoping to do some of that tonight, and then I might do something like write the first page at midnight before going to sleep. It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end and i'm once again a year older (for those of you who don't know, New Year's Eve is my birthday). But it is, and once again I've gone a whole year without finishing a single piece. Let's hope 2007 is a bit more productive!

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