Sunday, May 20, 2007

Final Decision on Script Frenzy + My 'mad intense' Dreams

Okay, so after looking around the Script Frenzy site and my calendar for june (and notes on that other play), i decided to try it. I mean, why not? I'll be a part of history, taking part in the first ever Script Frenzy. and besides, I'm already signed up at this point, so there's no chance of me dropping out now. So last week during our extremely disorganized Writing Club meeting, i organized the scene order for the play. I plan on completing a more complete outline this week (around doing tons of schoolwork, recovering from 5 performances in a row, and starting work on assistant directing the short play i wrote).
In other news, I had some 'mad intense' (as i like to call them) dreams this last week. I started a sci-fi story based off of one, and have a complete outline for another that i'll probably hold off on starting until summer, since i have a clear enough idea of it formed. I have so much stuff i want to do this summer, there is no way i am going to get through all of it. But that's another story. For now, i'm just letting you know that i am doing script frenzy, and i have some amazing dream-inspired stories started/planned. Hope to update you soon!
-Seshat's Child

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