Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Playwrighting Contest and April Fools Results

Okay, so first things first, neither Ms. Crewdson nor I won the playwrighting contest. Very good overall I think, as that avoided all awkward confrontations very well. But moving on(i'd already resigned myself to the results, so i wasn't too upset), yesterday was the last day of April Fools. I made a total count of just over 7,000 words for the month, which is better than i'd been afraid it would turn out, but still not quite at my goal for the month. But at least i tried, and I'm on a good roll with two stories so far (well, one short story, one introduction/background story for something longer), and so those should keep me writing for, well, probably through May at least. I don't think i'm going to do Script Frenzy in june, just because i have plenty of other stuff to do, and i don't want to complicate my schedule more than it already is.
That's really it for my update, so i'll leave you all alone now and go back to memorizing the Shakespeare prologue i have to know for English class on Thursday. Hope your spring is going as crazy fun as mine,
-Seshat's Child

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